Monday, January 4, 2010

My FIRST blog: Shepard Spring

(This is a revised post of my first blog posted on January 7 to correct my email address. Sorry)
I used google to host this blog and it was a breeze to set up. The price was $0.00!! Click on any image to view a larger version of the picture.

I am on a Mini Vacation and am having fun exploring hiking through forests, walks to springs, and if the temperature warms up this afternoon maybe I will paddle the Sopchoppy River.

Yesterday, I visited SHEPHERD SPRING. It is one of my favorite places ... a sublime wilderness. The spring is in the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, between Spring Creek and the Wakulla River. The exact location is ... in the middle of nowhere. This photo of Shepherd Spring was taken at the end of a boardwalk on the shoreline of the spring . I stiched together 11 photos in photoshop to create this panorama.

Just across the refuge jeep trail from Shepherd Spring is what locals call 'Cathedral of Palms', where the Florida Trail passes through a coastal hammock of cabbage palm, live oak, and pine trees. The sky was overcast and when I made the photo below it was so cold that my fingers and toes were hurting.

Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky (Kahlil Gibran)

I need your feedback to encourage me to continue this blog. Please email me your comments at or if you have a free google account enter your comments below. Thanks.


  1. Dear Bob,

    Thank you for the beautiful images and words.
    I appreciate your efforts on our (your audience) behalf. Please keep up the good work.

    Take Care.

  2. Hi Dad,

    This is great! I love both of the photos (and they're much easier to view than on your previous site). Hope it warms up soon.

  3. Hi Bob,
    I've always enjoyed your photos and hope to see future ones on your blog.

  4. That walk is one of my favs too, Bob. I find both the spring and cathedral of palms difficult to capture in a photo. nice work. So glad you have started this blog!

  5. Nice forest in here you showing to us this Shepard Spring!! Looking awesome and striking!!

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