Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wakulla Springs butterfly garden

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Palamedes swallowtail on ironweed flowers

Tiger Swallowtail
Hummingbird moth

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chasing the Light

These photos were taken as the sun was setting, August 1 near the end of the Lighthouse Road in the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.

Optionally, click on an image for a larger view, then click your browser back arrow to return to this blog.


I was intrigued by the almost white cordgrass, black shadows
of the cordgrass in the water, and floating pine needles

Rare close view of a solo white pelican

Warm glow of palms along the Gulf shoreline

Only the fiddler crabs at the bottom of this photo are in focus. They
blend to an orange mass of millions, maybe billions, of fiddler crabs  toward
the top of the image.

Remember right after the oil spill when BP said that they would
'make it right'?  I doubt that there is current science to understand this
rich environment, certainly not to restore after it if it was impacted by oil.

To protect Florida's marine resources, JUST SAY NO
to drilling in the northern Gulf of Mexico.