Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sunrise Walk to Fiddlers Point

Click on am image for a larger view and slide show then click your browser back arrow to return to this blog.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sunrise at Mashes Sands

Optionally click on an image for a larger view and slide show.

Live Oak Trees in Apalachicola National Forest

These are among the first images taken my new Canon Powershot GX 1. It is has an exceptionally large large sensor (18.7 x 14mm) for a compact camera, providing for images approaching a digital slr in quality.

Optionally click on an image for a larger view and slide show.

This is a panorama of 3 photos stitched together.

For this image, I bracketed exposure by 3 stops and used photoshop CS5
to create an image with a wider exposure range in this HDR image.

The sepia tint in the black and white was applied in camera! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Morning Fog Scenics at Mashes Sands

Click a photo for a larger, full view and slide show.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Skimmers at Mashes Sands May 2, 2012

Click on the photo for a larger, full view.

Black Skimmers are special creatures ... these photos reminded me how extremely long their wings are!

Shorebirds Feasting on Horseshoe Crab Eggs, May 1, 2012

Click on the photo for a larger, full view.

By luck I arrived yesterday at an incredible spectacle on the shoreline of Mashes Sands ... flocks of shorebirds were frantically feeding horseshoe crab eggs. It was amazing!

Horseshoe Crabs Mating and Laying Eggs

Marbled Godwits, Long-billed Dowitchers, and Sanderlings

Willit? Yes, I did ... back to Fiddlers Point on April 30, 2012

Click on the photo for a larger, full view.

Like me, an overgrown sandpiper type of bird called a willet is frequently found in our coastal salt marshes.



Water, Water, Everywhere ... in my photos

Laughing Gull
Long-billed Dowitcher

Walking Bottoms Road to Fiddlers Point on April 26, 2012

Click on the photo for a larger, full view.

Lately, a tele zoom seems to feel right ... and back to more wildlife image.

Great Egret

Boat-tailed Grackle

Turkey Vulture

Self Portrait of Ranger Bob

On April 15, I set up the tripod in the cypress dome of the Wakulla Springs State Park and with a self timer, photographed myself in Ranger uniform ... I have since retired, effective April 30, with 29 years and 3 months of state employment at 62 years young (actually my birthday is in May).

Click the photo for a larger, full  view.

Wakulla River Flood Plain Swamp

I took this photo just inside the entrance of the Wakulla Springs State Park early one foggy morning in late March.

Click on the photo for a larger, full view.

Dickerson Bay Sand Bar

This post in May begins a catch up in posting photos to the blog, with a photo taken on February 25 of a sand bar in the mouth of Dickerson Bay at low tide.

Click on the photo for a larger, full view of the photo.