The 37 photos below were previously posted to Facebook.
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COLOR FULL CYPRESS TREE Wakulla Springs State Park |
CYPRESS TREE Wakulla Springs State Park |
HICKORY TREE BARK Wakulla Springs State Park |
EASTERN PHOEBE East of Lighthouse, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
CLEAR WATER, WHITE SAND East of Lighthouse, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
LIVE OAK Adjacent to lighthouse, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
X MARKS THE SPOT Spider Lily leaves, Wakulla Springs State Park |
SWIRLING Wakulla Springs State Park |
THESE KNEES CAUGHT MY EYE Cypress Knees, Wakulla Springs State Park |
SALT MARSH - BLUE WATER Fiddlers Point, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
SALT MARSH SLANDS Fiddlers Point, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
GULF WATER AT SUNSET St. Petersburg Beach |
SALT MARSH B&W Fiddlers Point, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
CABBAGE PALM, GOLDEN HOUR Fiddlers Point, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
MOON OVER PINES Fiddlers Point, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
This image represents Florida Governor Rick Scott's approach for protecting the state's environment for future generations.
Florida Governor Rick Scott has changed DEP from the "Department of Environmental Protection" to his agency of "Don't Expect Protection".
SALT MARSH Fiddlers Point, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
CYPRESS Trout Pond, Apalachicola National Forest |
THIS ROBIN HAS AN ORANGE BREAST! Trout Pond at sunset, Apalachicola National Forest |
DOWNED TREE AFTER A BURN St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
CINNAMON FERN St. Marks National Refuge |
FIDDLEHEAD OF CINNAMON FERN St. Marks National Wildlife |
SUNSET GULL Bald Point |
A PAIR OF PINES Bald Point |
I SEE YOU Annole along my driveway west of Medart |
WHITE-LIPPED LEAF EATING SNAKE St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
SKELETON PINES ON A SPOTTED SKY St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
LIVE OAK IN GRASSY CLEARING St. Marks National Refuge |
MOSS AND LICHEN MINI FOREST St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
SAW PALMETTO St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
RED BUD Wakulla Springs State Park |
LAND AND WATER SCAPE Wakulla Springs State Park |
Portions of a palm frond roasted to an orange color during a
controlled burn. St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
VIOLET St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |