Here is a live oak draped with spanish moss next to one of the three outdoor stages at the Bradford Blues Club during their Earth Day celebration on Saturday.
There is more that I don't know than what I know, but I am trying to narrow the gap.
I applied some basic and not so basic photoshop techniques (from the book "The Photoshop Darkroom" by Harold and Phyllis Davis) to these photos that I took after work yesterday along the trail at the Sally Ward Spring Run.
Woods Fern
Afernoon Sun
(Optionally, click on any image to view a larger version)
This vine called leather flower (Clematis sp.) has light purple bell-shaped flowers. I found this one last week nestled among the cypress knees on the shoreline of the swimming area at Wakulla Springs. (Optionally, double click on the image to view a larger version)
I enjoyed the peace and harmony of the Ochlocknoee River yesterday while paddling upstream from Mack Landing. The sweet scent of tupelo flowers attracted hords of bees, so there was a continuous background hum throughout the vast floodplain forest. The river stage had receeded since my last visit during the winter rains several months ago, and the shallow, still water in the oxbows now provides a safe haven for frogs, snakes and turtles.
(Optionally, click on any image for a larger view)
My (creative) energy has ebbed for weeks because of cold-like symptons, presumably caused by an allergic reaction to the high levels of pollen in the air. This 'hay fever' thing is a new development for me.
I am very pleased with a new Canon G11 camera. These images were taken April 15 at Wakulla Springs.
Rain Lilies
View of Northside Spring Run from the park's trail.
(Optionally, click on any image for a larger view)