Monday, November 29, 2021

June 2021

I hope you enjoy the 43 images of this post.

Optionally click on a photo for a larger view and slide show.

This is the first of sixteen images in the Wakulla Springs State Park.
Suwannee Cooter searching for a suitable place to layer her eggs.

Cattle Egret

Little Blue Heron

Yellow Crowned Night Heron chick

Female Anhinga

Great Egret

Adult Yellow Crowned Night Heron


Mississippi Kite feeding on a dragonfly

Pied Billed Grebe on nest with chick in background

Scorpion in my yard


This is the first of fifteen images in the Wakulla Springs State Park.
Common Gallinule

Least Bittern

Least  Bittern

Pickerel Weed

Double-Crested Cormorants

Paper Wasps

Walk on Alligator Point for Father's Day

This is the first of six images in the Wakulla Springs State Park.
Green Heron

Deer in my yard, browsing on Deer Berries

Deer Berries


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

May 2021

I hope you enjoy the 41 images of this post.

Optionally click on a photo for a larger view and slide show.

This is the first of three images in the Wakulla Springs State Park.

Massive alligator with the name of Joe Junior

The toes of this Common Moorhen are extremely long, to allow it to
walk on top of aquatic vegetation.

First of four images in a cypress swamp north of Alligator Lake

First of two images in the Wakulla Springs State Park

Monarch caterpillars in our front yard

First of three images in the Wakulla Springs State Park

Common Moorhen chick

Adult Common Moorhen

Live Oak - Blue Sky
Otter Lake picnic area, St. Marks Refuge

Fragrant Pogonia
West of Purify Bay Rd, St. Marks Refuge

Candyroot flowers

Smalleyed Sphinx Moth on rosemary in our yard

First of the remaining 18 images of this post in the Wakulla Springs State Park

Common Loon - My first view of this bird at Wakulla Springs

Least Bittern on Bullrush 


Spider Lily

Florida Softshell Turtle
This guy was swimming just above the bottom. The water acted as a
lens and caused an elongated distortion.