Late Sunday afternoon, I drove through the the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge to the end of the Lighthouse Road.
I made another deposit of smiles to years of satisfying experiences in the refuge: Rafts of coots feeding, ducks in the distance, two great egrets, irradescent grackles, gulls spiraled overhead, a northern harrier flew low over the salt marsh, and six deer.
Alpha Boat-tailed Grackle
Great Egret Flying Into The Setting Sun
Info on photo above: Camera Canon 40D; Lens Canon EF75-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM; Focallength 140mm; ISO 200; Shutterspeed 1/1000 second; Aperture 71/10 (approximately F8); Raw file cropped converted in CS4 to JPG
Both nice images... and your description of the Refuge: another nice image!